La técnica Harris Shutter, es nombrada así por su inventor Robert S. “Bob” Harris y consiste en 3 exposiciones de la misma imagen, pero cada una con una aplicación de un filtro de color distinto. En mi caso, utilizo la misma técnica combinando 3 imágenes diferentes para recrear espacios o situaciones surreales y un tanto oníricas. 
The Harris shutter is a strip device with three color filters, invented by Robert S. "Bob" Harris of Kodak, for making color photographs with the different primary color layers exposed in separate time intervals in succession. The term Harris shutter is also applied to the technique or effect. The effect is produced by re-exposing the same frame of film through red, green and blue filters in turn, while keeping the camera steady. In my case, i use 3 different photos to recreate whit the same effect, surreal spaces.

... i'll fly with you ...

... There's an energy, When you hold me, When you touch me, It's so powerful ...

...let love conquer your mind... WARRIOR OF LIFE

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